on-line information Archives - Transmission Digest
Finding Info Is Easier than Ever

Even old data can be found online

I have noticed lately that many familiar sources of information have some amazing features that allow us to save diagnostic time, as well as space on our bookshelves.

The Value of Information

Has your computer hard disk ever crashed or the computer just refused to boot up anymore? What happens to all the information that’s in there? In many instances it’s gone. If you can’t find an expert who can somehow drag that information off your existing hard drive and you haven’t backed it up, you’re done. All of your customers are gone along with their service records, warranty and follow-up information.

What’s in Your Wallet?

For years now, almost everyone in the automotive-aftermarket repair business has been complaining that we did not have access to the same technical information that the car dealerships have. Well, now you do! But did you think it would be free?