legal issues Archives - Transmission Digest
Crime-Scene Investigation, Part 2

This is the conclusion of a two-part article that began in the May issue. Part 1 covered the basics of the lawsuit, the progression from warranty issues to major lawsuit, and inspection of the transmission.

Crime-Scene Investigation, Part 1

I thought you, as technicians involved in transmission repair, might like to follow a recent transmission-related lawsuit I was involved in, both to see how it really happens and to learn more about protecting yourselves and your business. The lawsuit you are about to read has been settled. All parties involved are subject to a confidentiality agreement. There are no names, dates or places, but I think the mysteries of the case will interest you.

A Penalty for Excellence!

The outcome of this trial could influence how states that have regulations on auto-repair practices might dictate by what means work is priced in the future.