Converter Flow Archives - Transmission Digest
46-47RH/RE Cooler and Converter Flow

The image of a target is often used in education or training. The bulls-eye is the topic of most importance. It’s what you “Need to Know,” with each consecutive ring or “Nice to Know” reinforcing or providing that information.

740/1740 Codes and Chrysler Converter Flow

740/1740 codes tell you there is excessive slip at the TCC clutch. The engine and transmission output speeds are constantly being monitored. You can compare the difference in the two speed rates to determine transmission slip. If the RPM parameters for a slip in a given gear are met and TCC apply has not been commanded, you will see a gear-ratio code. But, if the RPM parameters for a slip in a given gear are met and TCC apply has been commanded, you will see a (TCC slip) 740 code.