codes Archives - Transmission Digest
Watch: CVT electric and communication codes

Find out if your transmission module is not sharing information properly. Different codes will indicate different issues within the transmission. Watch the latest video from Transtar for more information.

Stuck On, Stuck Off or Just Plain Stuck

With the introduction of OBD-II, a ton of additional codes became available (remember, we were always asking for more information). In some instances, these new codes were a great help because they did not just indicate a short or an open circuit but also pointed to parameters that were out of range, which included both mechanical and electrical problems.

A Case of Hide and Seek

One of the many automotive animals that technicians have to wrestle with is finding the definitions for the ever-increasing number of diagnostic codes. And then, of course, their definitions are being represented by a seemingly endless list of acronyms associated with that code. TCC, VSS and TPS are just a few recognizable acronyms in our industry today.