Terry Greenhut, Business Editor
Tools for the Excellent Manager

I use the word integrity as opposed to honesty when talking about advertising because technically and legally an ad can be honest but at the same time can lack integrity if the offer is too difficult to understand, has too many hoops to jump through, only applies to a product in very short supply or one in which the offer has an end date that a consumer doesn’t have enough time to respond to.

Training: A Necessary Evil!

Why do I refer to training as a necessary evil? Because it is so necessary to the ongoing success of an automotive business, but so evil in the idea of getting employees to participate in it. For some unknown reason a high percentage of techs who have worked in the business for a few years and maybe had some previous training or picked up everything they think they need to know working in a shop, don’t feel they need or should have to attend any kind of additional training.

Insurance: How Much is too Much?

There are all kinds of insurances to be had depending upon what we want or need to protect. Some of it we are told we must have because it’s the law and some we want to because we sleep better at night with the feeling that we are covered if anything should happen. Unemployment insurance and worker’s comp are examples of insurance that’s mandatory in most of the United States and for most jobs, but not all, and the lines that are drawn are not always easy to see or understand. Sometimes they depend on the number of employees and even, to an extent, the types of work being performed. That’s why it’s important to consult with an insurance expert in your own state.

Managing Money: Bills and Taxes

Terry Greenhut gives suggestions for managing money. One important rule: avoid a tax audit.

Leading by Example

One of my first lessons upon going into business for myself was that if I wanted employees to follow and respect me I had to show them that I was the real thing, that I was someone who knew what I was doing and one who would keep my word to them no matter what. That wasn’t always easy to do; first because in the beginning I wasn’t the real thing. I had never worked on a transmission till I opened the shop, and I had never been in a business in which I had any employees who answered to me or for whom I was responsible.

Revisiting two excellent companies: Owner Must Solve Problems, Be Nice

Except maybe for me, I don’t know of anybody who enjoys bringing a car into a shop for repairs or services. I think I like it because it gives me a chance to evaluate the shop from a customer’s point of view instead of that of a consultant’s. I get to see first-hand how customers are being treated, how the facility stacks up against others, how well the problems are diagnosed and the repairs completed, and whether or not I get that warm fuzzy feeling that comes from believing that these people actually care and appreciate my business.

Disruption comes in many ways, often

Most of us accept that we have to adapt to whatever is thrown at us and we make changes accordingly and often rather quickly. There are some, however, who will stick staunchly to the way they’ve been doing things for many years whether it’s right or wrong and no matter how costly it may become.

12 Ways to Build Better Customer Relationships

Deeply connected, trust-based, and authentic customer relationships are hard to come by. When you know how to create these relationships with your customers, you’ll win their loyalty, earn referrals and enjoy repeat business for years to come.

Are Customers Any Tougher Now than They Once Were?

I received an email recently from one of my readers who seemed to feel that I’m teaching the industry to be too nice to customers in an effort to get their business. Is there such a thing as being too nice? Maybe if you spend so much on a customer that you could never have a chance of making it back, but other than that I can’t see how you can be too nice. The gentleman also seemed to feel that customers are more demanding, harder to sell, and possibly nastier than they used to be. I think they just have a lot more information available to them than ever before and it’s making them feel like they are in control.

Today You Have to be the Entire Package!

Is it enough to do an excellent job of repairing a customer’s car? Maybe it once was but not anymore. Today’s customer expects more, much more. The entire experience of doing business must be spot-on if you expect to get outstanding reviews and a lot of referrals.

The Price is Right – Or Is It?

We may once have figured out exactly what everything costs us and worked out the appropriate markup to allow us to make a profit, but how long ago was that? What has changed since then and how far behind are we? If you were once profitable on a certain amount of volume, and although the volume hasn’t changed, the profit is dwindling lower and lower: It’s obvious the fault is with your pricing.

Do unto Others

I believe the most significant management skill is the ability to deal effectively with customers, coworkers and suppliers. If you can continually treat all three groups with the respect they deserve just for being who they are there’s a good chance they will respond in kind. Customers will want to come to you because they know they will be well treated. Techs will want to work with and for you because you make them feel safe in their environment, and suppliers will want to go out of their way to help you because you don’t try to chisel them on every deal.